As winter weather is on the way, Sports Zone 13u Player Brenner Kalfass has come up with something extraordinary to help those in need in our community. Please take the time to read his message below and support this special cause!
My name is Brenner Kalfass and I play on the 13U Black team. I have been a part of Sports Zone since 2018. I have met so many amazing kids, coaches and adults here and have developed some great friendships. It's an awesome club to play for and to be a part of. I would like to ask you for your help. I'm starting and organizing the First Annual Sports Zone Coat Drive to help others in need. All the coats / winter clothing items will be distributed and used locally in the Syracuse area. I'm asking all the Sports Zone families to help collect coats/winter clothing items. There are many families in need of warm coats and clothes this winter. It's a simple effort that can go a long way in helping others in need. I'm asking for slightly used coats, jackets and sweatshirts or hoodies to be collected and donated. These items can be any size - for men, women, boys and girls. All sizes will be greatly appreciated and are needed. This is a great opportunity to clean out your closet of these items that no longer fit or are not being used anymore. You can ask a neighbor, friend or aunt/uncle for any of these items that are no longer used or needed in their household. This is a great way to be a blessing to others in our community. Please be a part of this great effort. Together we are starting a Sports Zone tradition. You can help show how our teams work together to accomplish great things for others in need.
Please bring in slightly used coats, jackets, sweatshirts and hoodies to Sports Zone by Saturday, November 26th. Please place them in the basket labeled 'Sports Zone Coat Drive'.
All coats and items will be donated to Catholic Charities in Syracuse, NY. Please double check and make sure these items are clean and usable.
Thank you for being a part of something special.
Brenner Kalfass