2024- Annual Christmas Toy Drive
Sports Zone Baseball Academy Players Luke and Jack Liedka will be holding their annual toy drive again this season. The toys will help less fortunate families in our area. The Liedka Brothers partner with the Syracuse Police Department where officers on the front lines will be able to distribute toys to families in the inner city. Last Holiday season (2023) with the help of our SZ families and local community Luke and Jack were able to help over 150 families!
We encourage our players/families to bring an unwrapped toy to any Training Classes, Lessons, Hitting League and Practices by Wednesday, December 18th.
A gift box is located in the lobby of Sports Zone Court Street or if you would prefer, Sam’s Barber Shop in East Syracuse is also a major sponsor and drop off location.These gifts will go a long way to brightening the holidays for many families in need!
